VodaFone Delights!

Hi Amigos,
Vodafone has come out with a New Concept called DELIGHTS for their Customers where they get Special Discounts and Offers for being a part of Vodafone.. Many of you might not know that for being a part of delights on Early stage , vodafone is giving some freebie..

These Freebies Include :

100 Local Vodafone to Vodafone Night Minutes OR
100 Local SMS OR
30 Mb Free Surfing on Vodafone Live

Though the Freebies From which you can Choose only ONE , are not so Interesting but Still It is having something than having nothing right ? :D So Go and choose one among d 3..

Just go to

Visit http://vodafone.in and click on Vodafone Delights Banner or Directly Go to https://www.vodafone.in/existingusers/pages/vodafonedelights_home.aspx

On Right Side Click on Register Now and Signup (u will get code to ur mobile it might take an hour also )
After Registering , Browse through Certain Pages than at End , Vodafone will Give you the Option to Choose your Free Gift from the Above Mentioned List..

Enjoy your free offer...Vo vo Vodafone..!

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