Participate Now

Razer has come out with an AWESOME contest on this Special Occasion where Their Razer Page on Facebook had Reached 133 337 Fans :D

So In this Contest they are giving away 1337 Razer Packs

So Almost Everyone Gonna Win , SO Participate Now :D

What Does Razer Pack Contain ??

It has Awesome goodies like Gaming Keyboards , Mouse , Head fones and few more Cool Gaming Gadgets

How to Participate ?

Its Simple

Enter Your Name and Email (Note : Verify your Email )
In the Above Email you Received , there are 2 links , Click on 1st link and Add ur address for prize delivery and now Copy the 2nd link and ask 10 of ur frnds to Enter their name and email in that link.
Thats It..!! you are DONE , You Stand a chance to win one of the COLLEST Razer Pack :D

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